Korea | Proposed Revision of Food Labeling Standards (2018-190)
The rapid increase in household convenience food has increased consumer's demand for nutrient information in food, and the scope of food subject to nutrition labeling has expanded.
However, there may be differences in nutrient values even in the same kind of food due to the differences in the cultivation area and harvest time of the raw materials used in the manufacturing and processing of the food.
Additionally, for food products which are made up of a combination of various items such as lunch boxes, their nutrient components such as trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol etc., especially trace nutrients have a large deviation and it is difficult to observe the nutritional tolerance in reality so the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) has proposed to improve this situation (Partial Revision (Draft) of Food Labeling Standards (No. 2018-190)) on May 4, 2018.
1) Although the tolerance value for nutrition contents has been set, there are differences in the nutrient values even for the same kind of food due to the differences in the cultivation area and harvest time of the raw materials used, so it is difficult to observe the nutritional tolerance in reality.
2) In the case where the inspection results from authorized inspection agencies are used as evidence for displaying nutrient values, the application of the tolerance values will be exempted.
- When the mean values assessed every 6months from more than 2 agencies from among the testing and inspection agencies for food etc. in accordance with Article 6(2)(1) and the testing and inspection agencies for livestocks etc., in accordance with Article 6(2)(2) of the Act On Testing And Inspection in The Food and Drug Industry are displayed.
3) The displaying of the nutritional values obtained from authorized inspection agencies can increase consumers' trust in the nutrition labeling value, and the industry can reasonably manage the information.
Submit Feedback:
Organizations or individuals who have opinions on the "Proposed Revision Of Food Labeling Standards" can submit your comments to MFDS by May 30, 2018 to the following contact:
Food Safety Labeling and Certification Division
Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
(Osong Health Technology Administration Complex, 187, Osongsaengmyeong2-ro, Osong-eup, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Food Safety Policy Bureau, Food Safety Labeling and Certification Division, MFDS, KOREA)
Tel: +(82 43) 719 2181
Fax: +(82 43) 719 2850
Things to indicate:
1) Name (in the case of a group, the name of the group and the name of the representative)
2) Address
3) Telephone number
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